Journal papers
Zhang, M., Shen, Q., Zhao, Z., Wang, S., & Huang, G. Q. (2025). Optimizing ESG reporting: Innovating with E-BERT models in nature language processing. Expert systems with applications, 265, 125931. [Link]
Sun, K., Zhao, Z., Li, M., & Huang, G. Q. (2025). Multi-order attributes information fusion via hypergraph matching for popular fashion compatibility analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 263, 125758. [Link]
Sun, M., Ding, J., Zhao, Z., Chen, J., Huang, G. Q., & Wang, L. (2025). Out-of-order execution enabled deep reinforcement learning for dynamic additive manufacturing scheduling. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 91, 102841. [Link]
Wu, W., Zhou, D., Shen, L., Zhao, Z., Li, C., & Huang, G. (2025). TransAoA: Transformer-based Angle of Arrival Estimation for BLE Indoor Localization. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. [Link]
Xu, S. X., Zhao, Z., Huang, G. Q., Ding, Y., Li, M., & Feng, J. (2025). A meta-auction for on-demand transportation procurement in industry 5.0. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 193, 103842. [Link]
Li, P., Wu, W., Zhao, Z., & Huang, G. Q. (2024). Indoor positioning systems in industry 4.0 applications: Current status, opportunities, and future trends. Digital Engineering, 100020. [Link]
Zhao, Z., Xie, X., Chen, Q., Lin, P., Wu, W., Zhang, M., & Huang, G. Q. (2024). Graduation-inspired manufacturing system and synchronization mechanism for hybrid assembly cell lines. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 198, 110648. [Link]
Li, S., Jiang, Q., Xu, Y., Feng, K., Zhao, Z., Sun, B., & Huang, G. Q. (2024). Digital twin-assisted interpretable transfer learning: a novel wavelet-based framework for intelligent fault diagnostics from simulated domain to real industrial domain. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 62, 102681. [Link]
Shu, R., Xu, Y., He, J., Yang, X., Zhao, Z., & Huang, G. Q. (2024). Multi-view contrastive learning framework for tool wear detection with insufficient annotated data. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 62, 102666. [Link]
Zhang, M., Yang, W., Zhao, Z., Wang, S., & Huang, G. Q. (2024). Do fairness concerns matter for ESG decision-making? Strategic interactions in digital twin-enabled sustainable semiconductor supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 276, 109370. [Link]
Zhao, Z., Zhang, M., Wu, W., Huang, G. Q., & Wang, L. (2024). Spatial-temporal traceability for cyber-physical industry 4.0 systems. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 74, 16-29. [Link]
Zhang, M., Shen, Q., Zhao, Z., Wang, S., & Huang, G. Q. (2024). Risk-averse behavior and incentive policies: A new perspective on spatial–temporal traceability supervision in construction logistics supply chains. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 110256. [Link]
Tan, B. Q., Xu, S. X., Thürer, M., Kang, K., Zhao, Z., & Li, M. (2024). Booking versus search-based parking strategy: A game-theoretic methodology. Research in Transportation Economics, 104, 101416. [Link]
Zhang, M., Shen, Q., Zhao, Z., Wang, S., & Huang, G. Q. (2024). Commitment or rent-seeking? Government incentive policies for ESG reporting in sustainable e-commerce logistics. International Journal of Production Economics, 268, 109134. [Link]
Zhang, M., Chen, A., Zhao, Z., & Huang, G. Q. (2024). A multi-depot pollution routing problem with time windows in e-commerce logistics coordination. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 124(1), 85-119. [Link]
Xu, Y., Shu, R., Li, S., Feng, K., Yang, X., Zhao, Z., & Huang, G. Q. (2024). Imbalanced Learning for Gearbox Fault Detection via Attention-Based Multireceptive Field Convolutional Neural Networks With an Adaptive Label Regulation Loss. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. [Link]
Yuan, Z., Ouyang, Z., Chen, Q., Li, M., Zhao, Z., & Huang, G. Q. Shipment Planning Protocols in Cyber-Physical Internet for Modular Integrated Construction Logistics. Available at SSRN 4891853. [Link]
2023 and before
Chen, J., Ma, W., Ye, X., & Zhao, Z. (2023). Logic-based Benders decomposition for order acceptance and scheduling in distributed manufacturing. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 58, 102228. [Link]
Zhang, M., Yang, W., Zhao, Z., Pratap, S., Wu, W., & Huang, G. Q. (2023). Is digital twin a better solution to improve ESG evaluation for vaccine logistics supply chain: an evolutionary game analysis. Operations Management Research, 16(4), 1791-1813. [Link]
Wu, W., Shen, L., Zhao, Z., Harish, A. R., Zhong, R. Y., & Huang, G. Q. (2023). Internet of everything and digital twin enabled service platform for cold chain logistics. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 33, 100443. [Link]
Wu, W., Shen, L., Zhao, Z., Li, M., & Huang, G. Q. (2022). Industrial IoT and long short-term memory network-enabled genetic indoor-tracking for factory logistics. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 18(11), 7537-7548. [Link]
Zhan, X., Wu, W., Shen, L., Liao, W., Zhao, Z., & Xia, J. (2022). Industrial internet of things and unsupervised deep learning enabled real-time occupational safety monitoring in cold storage warehouse. Safety science, 152, 105766. [Link]
Zhao, Z., Zhang, M., Chen, J., Qu, T., & Huang, G. Q. (2022). Digital twin-enabled dynamic spatial-temporal knowledge graph for production logistics resource allocation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 171, 108454. [Link]
Yang, C., Lan, S., Zhao, Z., Zhang, M., Wu, W., & Huang, G. Q. (2022). Edge-cloud blockchain and IoE-enabled quality management platform for perishable supply chain logistics. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 10(4), 3264-3275. [Link]
Conference Papers
Chen, Q., Ding, J., Sun, M., Zhao, Z., & Huang, G. Q. (2024, September). A Dynamic Fit-Out Scheduling Framework for Digital Twin-Enabled Modular Integrated Construction. In IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (pp. 168-179). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. [Link]
Han, Y., Xie, J., Ding, J., Zhao, Z., & Huang, G. Q. (2024, August). DT-PoseFormer: A Digital Twin-enabled Stacking System for Precise Pose Estimation of MiC Modules. In 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (pp. 2678-2683). IEEE. [Link]
Sun, M., Ding, J., Chen, J., Zhao, Z., & Huang, G. Q. (2024, August). Optimization of Dynamic Scheduling in Additive Manufacturing with Deep Reinforcement Learning. In 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (pp. 3352-3357). IEEE. [Link]
Yuan, Z., Ding, J., Li, M., Huang, G. Q., & Zhao, Z. (2024, August). Solving Size-Agnostic Job Shop Scheduling Problems Like GPT Speaks. In 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (pp. 3346-3351). IEEE. [Link]
Li, P., Xie, J., Ding, J., Zhao, Z., Wu, W., & Huang, G. Q. (2024, August). Real-time Locating System-enabled Digital Twin for Crane Operation Safety Monitoring on Construction Sites. In 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (pp. 2689-2696). IEEE. [Link]
Chen, Q., Zhao, Z., & Huang, G. Q. (2024, August). Protocol Model and Execution Protocols for Networked MRO Intralogistics. In 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (pp. 2553-2558). IEEE. [Link]
Yang, H., Zhao, Z., & Zhang, M. (2023, November). Blockchain and SC-PBFT Enabled Traceability Method for Vaccine Supply Chain. In 2023 China Automation Congress (CAC) (pp. 3639-3645). IEEE. [Link]
Chen, Q., Zhao, Z., Luo, H., & Huang, G. G. (2023, August). IoT-Enabled MRO Intralogistics Management: A Case Study in Hong Kong. In 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. [Link]